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Monday, October 24, 2005

How-To Select a Row in the DataGrid When the Mouse is Over it

If you want to select a row in the DataGrid when the user point the mouse on it (without clicking!!!), Then you will need to do some coding.
The DataGrid has a HitTest method to help us get the cell that the mouse is pointing at. We can use the Select and Unselect methods.

Create a MouseMove event handler to the DataGrid and place this code:

private int _prevRow = -1;
private void dataGrid1_MouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
   DataGrid.HitTestInfo info = dataGrid1.HitTest(e.X, e.Y);
   if (info.Type == DataGrid.HitTestType.Cell)
      if (_prevRow != info.Row)
         if (_prevRow != -1)
         dataGrid1.UnSelect(_prevRow);          dataGrid1.Select(info.Row);
         _prevRow = info.Row;
      if (_prevRow != -1)
         _prevRow = -1;


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