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Monday, February 20, 2006

Introduction To Enterprise Services (COM+) In .NET

COM+ is a service provided by Windows (it is not a .NET feature), similarly to other services such as IIS. Despite common belief, COM+ is not COM.
The main goal of COM+ is to provide a management environment for processes. The services provided by COM+ are required in distributed application (such as Client/Server application), especially with numerous calls.
By using COM+ in the .NET environment, or as it is called in .NET - "Enterprise Services", we benefit from the advantages of both the CLR and managed environment and the native environment of COM+, including integration with old legacy applications.

Almost all the services provided by COM+ is not supplied by the .NET framework, and without COM+ you will need to program them yourself. You don't need to know anything about COM development, and the use of Enterprise Services in .NET is quite easy.

A Short History Lesson
COM is a protocol for development component prior to .NET. When needs for distributed application have emerged, it was upgraded into DCOM (Distributed COM), which is a protocol for running in different machines or processes. For example, you could write an ActiveX Exe, which is an application that could be called from remote clients. The interface was done with DCOM. This protocol is lightweighted, in a binary format, without a lot of overhead. It is suitable for local networks, especially when the computers on the network are well known in advance.

However, some new services were required which provide long term stability, correct management of resources, and usage of resources by demand. For example: you could set up a server application, on which every call created a new process in the server - problem with scalability, and the syncronization of clients. Another required service is distributed transactions (For example: The server updates a database in a local transaction. There could be a dependency on another server which updates a database in another local transaction. The problem is that updating a database is an action which strongly depend on a connection, which is a resource the server has no control over. There might be a failure, and both updates should be rolled back to the previous state). Windows has a service called DTC (Distributed Transaction Coordinator), that can be called in order to request the transaction service.

In Win-NT a new service was created, called MTS (Microsoft Transaction Server), that wrapped DTC. On request, MTS supplies a new process, dllhost, that can host other dlls. Instead of writing an ActiveX Exe, we write an ActiveX dll (which is a COM component), and when it is hosted in dllhost process it automatically works in DCOM. It is possible to connect remotely to dll that is hosted by dllhost, and dllhost manages the resources. One of the services is distributed transactions.

In Win2000 the MTS was built-in, and some other services were added, all wrapped together in COM+.

COM+ in .NET
In the .NET environment we create a managed library (dll). If we wish to use COM+ in the dll, the dll is wrapped (automatically) with COM, in order for native components to be able to connect to it.
Note: As I wrote above, you can use COM+ in order to communicate between processes, and even between machines, using DCOM. But in .NET we have other technologies to perform interprocess communications (Remoting, Web Services, etc). It is not recommended to use COM+ just to perform RPC. A good architecture will be to call the server using Web Services (for example), and utilizing the COM+ services in the server locally, without the client knowledge.
In fact, when you call a Web Service, it is hosted in the IIS, which is a server. This is similar to COM+ approach - the application is hosted in the dllhost process. For communication, IIS is a better choice.

In .NET a COM+ component is called a Serviced Component or a Configured Component. When the component is already active, maybe even installed on a client, it can be configured administratively using a user friendly tool, supplied with Windows. For example: COM+ has a feature called Just-In-Time Activation (JITA), and we wrote a Serviced Component using this feature. We installed the software on the client, and now we can configure turn the feature on and off using the COM+ Configuration tool, by checking a checkbox. No code required. No Xml or other configuration files. No registry or environment variables. It all comes in the box.

The COM+ Configuration Tool
Enough with the dry discussions. Time to see it in action.
The COM+ Configuration Tool is located in the Control Panel->Administrative Tools-> Component Services.
On the left tree view, expand Component Services -> Computers -> My Computer -> COM+ Applications.

You can see all the COM+ applications installed in your computer. Soon we will add a component there. Right clicking on any application, and selecting Properties will open the confiduration window. There are many tabs with a lot of configurations you can change, without even knowing what the application does (so be careful!!!). You don't even need to restart the application - clicking Apply will configure the application while it is running.

If you expand the applications even further, you can see Components. Under components you can see all the classes you registered to COM+ (remember that not all the applications here are .NET). Under each component you can see the Interfaces of this component. You can configure a Component, an Interface, and even a Method (by selecting properties).

The data that you configure in the COM+ Configuration Tool is stored in a database called "COM+ Catalog". This database is managed by Windows, and you can even access it programatically. The data that is stored in the COM+ Catalog is the metadata of all the applications and components.

What Services Are Provided By COM+
Lets start to explore the Properties window, in order to better understand what features are supported by COM+. As I describe a feature, try to think how you can achieve it using your .NET programming skills (without COM+ of course).

Application Recycling
The application will be restarted automatically depending on configurable conditions, such as Lifetime Limit (restart every period of time), Memory Limit (protection against memory leaks), Call Limit and more. The recycling is done in a smart way. For example, COM+ waits until there are no more clients to the application. This can be configured in the "Pooling&Recycling" tab.
For more information: COM+ Application Recycling Concepts

Just-In-Time Activation
It happens a lot that a client holds on to an object, it does not need right now. The object may be expensive on resources, so there is a waste of resources. JITA helps manage the resources more efficiently. When the client finish working with the object, COM+ will automatically deactivate the object, freeing all resources. When the client uses the object again, it will be activated once more by COM+. The client uses the object without even knowing that JITA is applied. Notice that the object should be stateless, or it should be able to store and restore its state.
This configuartion is per Component, in the Activation tab, under Activation Context, by selecting Don't Force Activation Context, and checking the Enable Just-In-Time Activation.
For more information: COM+ Just-in-Time Activation Concepts

Please note that some of the services of COM+ depend on other services. For example: When working with transactions we must enable the JITA, in order to support Atomicity.

When we use JITA, we must take into consideration the tradoff: When we call a JITA object, we implicitly activate and deactivate it (time consuming), but we benefit the proper management of resources (the object will not hold unused resources).

Object Pooling
We can have a pool of objects, initialized when the application started. Whenever a client creates a new instance, it gets an object from the pool, without the cost of creating the new instance. When the client releases the object, it goes back to the pool.
You can enable Object Pooling of a compoent, in the Activation tab. Select Enable Object Pooling. You can set a minimum and maximum pool size. The minimum pool size will be created when the application starts (slowing your application startup). When the pool is full, and a new instance is requested it is created and added to the pool. If the pool size approched its maximum size, the creation of new objects would fail (after a timeout - configurable too).
You can configure the object pooling while the application is running of course, and profile the performance in order to fine-tune the startup time, memory usage and performance of the application.
For more information: COM+ Object Pooling Concepts

Notice the possibility to enable both Object Pooling and JITA - whenever an object is used it is activated from the pool, and when finished it is sent back to the pool. This will speed up the activation/deactivation process of JITA.

I will not discribe here what a transaction is. I will only give a short and simple example: A starts a transaction, calling B and C. B fails during execution. Even if A and C succeeded they must all fail, and roll-back to the last consistent state.
COM+ handles the transactions for you (using DTC). You will need to perform some actions in code in order for this to work.
For more information: COM+ Transactions Concepts

In order to configure transactions, go to the Transactions tab of your component, and select one of the options for Transaction Support.

Synchronization (Concurrency)
When there are several components sharing resources in a multi threading environment, we must always keep the resources consistent. If our components share one logical activity, we can set up the Synchroniztion service of COM+, so it will lock a component for any component that is not in the activity.
For example: Say we 4 components A,B,C, and D. A starts a thread, and calls B, which in turn calls C. D will not be able to access A,B, or C, and will be blocked until the activity is over.
For more information: COM+ Synchronization Concepts

Note: This is a very heavy mechanism in a multithreaded environment. If B has two methods, and A only calls one of them, D will not be able to call any of B's methods. However, this forces you to design and implement a well behaved multi threaded application, which might be a good thing.

In order to configure Synchronization, go to the Concurrency tab of your component, and select one of the options for Synchronization Support. If you use transactions, you must also use Synchronization (COM+ will configure this for you).

Queued Component
MSMQ is one of the services provided by Windows. MSMQ provides message queueing services, administrated by Windows. There is a good integration between COM+ and MSMQ, in the form of Queued Component service.
COM+ can intercept any call to a method of the component, and serialize (translate) it into a message in a queue. The COM+ component, in its own time, will handle the COM+ call. COM+ will deserialize the message to a proper method call, and the server will be able to perform the action. This mechanism is a good solution in cases of asynchronous method calls. It will not work well with synchronous calls. The server should not return a value, throw exceptions and so on (It is possible, but not trivial).
This mechanism is good when the client should not rely on the service availability.
For more information: COM+ Queued Components Concepts

Note: You can use MSMQ from .NET independently of COM+, using the System.Messaging namespace. For more information: Accessing Message Queues

You can configure Queueing services of an Interface, in the Queueing tab, by checking the Queued option.

Loosly Coupled Events
COM+ introduces a new concept of event handling. Usually a publisher raises an event, and a subscriber's method is executed. This implies a coupling between the publisher and the subscriber. In COM+ publishers provide events, subscribers register for these events, but COM+ is the mediator between the publishers and the subscribers. The benefits of this approach is that the subscribe do not know which publisher raised the event.
The service is good if the publishers and subscribers fdo not know each other (they may not even know that the others exist). It is also good when there are number of publishers for the same event, and it is not important which one raised the event.
For more information: COM+ Events Concepts
The subscriptions for event is configured in the COM+ Configuration Tool.

Role-Based Security
COM+ provides a mechanism in which you can define which user can initializes components, call a method or even perform a custom operation. Instead of selecting users for each task, you define Roles, and assign rules to that role. The users are mapped into roles using the COM+ Configuration Tool, using the Windows built-in authentication system.
For more information: COM+ Security Concepts

Object Construction
You can send a message to a component when it is constructed in the form of a string. This mechanism resembles the command line arguments of an application. For example, you can pass a connection string, or a path, or several arguments. The advantage is that it is configurable from the COM+ tool (in the Activation tab).

Compensating Resource Managers (CRM)
In order to participate in a COM+ distributed transaction, the resources should be managed by a resource manager. For example: SQL Server and MSMQ are both resource managers, so you can handle them from whithin a transaction.
Take for example the case of writing to a file. How can you roll back from that? If you want the writing to a file action to be coordinated in a transaction, you must create a Compensating Resource Manager for that file. COM+ provide the infrastructure to create a class with an interface that supports the CRM. By implementing this class you can add any resource into the transaction.
For more information: COM+ Compensating Resource Manager Concepts

Shared Property Manager (SPM)
COM+ provides a mechanism to share state between components.
For more information: COM+ Shared Property Manager Concepts

You can create a SOAP WebService Wrapper around your application (you will need IIS installed for this). This feature will automatically create a Web Service facade to be used in order to connect remotely to the COM+ application.
All you need to do is select the Uses SOAP checkbox in the Activation tab of the application.

Server and Library Components
COM+ applications can be in the form of Library applications or Server applications. It is configurable from the COM+ Configuration Tool, in the Activation tab of an application.
All the Server applications has icons shaped as boxes, and Library applications has a round shaped icons.
A Server application will be hosted by a dllhost, and will run as a different process. All the instances will run in the same dllhost. A Library application will run in the process of the client.
You can start a Server application, by right clicking on the application and selecting Start. You can stop the applications in the same way. All the runnning Server applications can be monitored in the Running Processes node, under COM+ Applications. Each running application will have a number in brackets. This is the process ID of the dllhost hosting the application (You can see the process in the Task Manager).

When you use Library applications (the default) you will gain all the non-distributed services of COM+. For example, you can perform transactions from inside the process without the costs of DCOM communication. On the other hand, if you use a Server application you loose performance, because of the inter process communication, but you gain centralization of the services inside one process. For example, you might want to put all the services in the server-side. You can use the Shared Property Manager in order to share data between clients.

If you use a Server application in a remote machine, you must consider the deployment of the components in the clients. It is a good practice to avoid this situation, and to use other, more advanced, technologies, such as Web Services, in order to handle the communication, and to limit the usage of COM+ from whithin the boundaries of the machine.

Exporting the Configuration
For server applications, it is a very important feature to save the current settings in order to load it later on. For that you have the Export options in the context menu of the application. A handy wizard will guide you through the very easy process. You select a path, click OK and an msi file will be generated. By double clicking on it you will install the COM+ component on the machine, and set the configuration as the one that was saved.

A very powerful feature is to save the component as an Application Proxy. This way you can install the application on machines that should connect to the server remotely.

All of the services which are provided by COM+ are fully documented in MSDN: COM+ Services
In the next article we will create a COM+ component in .NET and deploy it.


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